Monday, August 08, 2011

Kanye and Jay-Z Twitter Hate

So, I'll share a little secret with you. The best way to find new music is to follow your favorite music artists and record labels on Twitter. By doing this, you also get to hear their opinions on other people's music. I have a list on my Twitter account where I follow 37 other Twitter accounts. As my favorite artists or record labels mention a new artist or a new album release, I follow that new artist or preview that new album on Amazon MP3. I've found so much good stuff on Twitter by doing this. This helps me keep current with the music I like.

Anyway, to the point. I was catching up on my music on Twitter today. I found a few tweets from my favorite music producers regarding the new Kanye West and Jay-Z album, Watch the Throne. Let's just say I didn't read anything positive. First of all, Blockhead's comment is hilarious:

I'm thinking about releasing a book called "Watch the throne".It's contents will be made up entirely of tweets I've made about shitting.less than a minute ago via web Favorite Retweet Reply

I don't think HudMo liked it either. He deleted his tweet about the album, but I retweeted it before he hit the delete button. Here's what I retweeted. Not making this up:

RT @Moanhawke Ok I've watched the throne all the way through, still waiting on something happening... #moreKanyeJayZhateless than a minute ago via web Favorite Retweet Reply

I think Flying Lotus is indifferent towards the album. Here's his facetious comment:

ok im not gonna say anything bad about watch the throne. I like some stuff on track 7.....There.less than a minute ago via web Favorite Retweet Reply

And what is my opinion? I'll probably never listen to the whole album and I might hear a few tracks from it while I try to dance up on chicks at the club.