Friday, June 23, 2006

Forthcoming Mix

Welp, I've decided to make a mix in celebration of my vaction that's coming up in July. A few of my friends in my home town enjoy the goofy yet well crafted music that I listen to, so I figured I'd make a mix that we can listen to at the kegger I have planned when I go back to D to the E (Delawhere?). I'll do my best to find some webspace to share it with you all. The mix will consist of exclusively tracks released on the record label Ninja Tune. I was hoping to have a track of my own finished to include in the mix, but I don't see that happening. Anyways, expect a couple of "vs." tracks and alot of jazz rock in my mix. Ninja Tune seems to be releasing anything with a guitar lick in it these days. I can dig it. Can you? We'll find out soon.